Pay for your Employee’s Flu Shot

Published on January 12, 2013 on The Lean HR

Flu season is upon us. Flu symptoms include sore throat, fever, headache, muscle aches, cough, and congestion. Typically the flu can last 4 to 10 days depending on how you rest and recover. However, some people feel run down for a week or more after it has run it’s course.

Having a member of your team check out because of the flu can be a setback to your company. Even worse, imagine losing multiple members of your team to it.

At Sincerely, we pay for everyone to get a Flu Shot, if they want it. A Flu Shot costs about $30 at your local Walgreens/CVS and takes 30 min - 1 hr. Sometimes it’s smart to take a step back and prepare for the worst so that everyone can live to fight more important battles. Also, it’s great to see the faces of your team, as they get needled.


Flu Myths:
Myth: Getting a Flu Shot Can Give you the Flu
The vaccine is made from inactive or a dead virus that can no longer spread its fever symptoms

Myth: If You’ve Already Had Your Shot, You Are Guaranteed to be Flu-Free
After having a shot, you may only be 60 percent protected, according to the CDC.

Myth: If you are Young and Healthy, You Don’t Need the Shot
The young and healthy people will most likely recover just fine after contracting the flu, with our without the shot. However, the more people that are vaccinated, the fewer number of people that may get it and will offer greater protection to those at-risk groups.